Strand Schilksee von oben

Desktop motives

Here you will find expressive, maritime and authentic Kiel background photos for your computer. The photos come from Kiel residents who have sent us their photos. Every month we call on Instagram and Facebook to send us photos (the upload option is located further down on this page). In the subsequent photo contest, the people of Kiel vote for their favourite picture.

The winning photo of the month is here for you to download for free. Simply select the desired format below.

How do i get the image on my desktop?

select the image with the desired resolution and click on the text next to it

a new browser window will open with the desired image

click with the right mouse button on the image and select "Set as wallpaper"

the image will be added to your desktop automatica


Your Kiel picture as desktop motive

Be the photographer of our monthly changing desktop motive for Kiel. Simply upload your favorite photo of Kiel, enter your copyright name and email address and you will automatically be entered into our competition.

The 5 most beautiful pictures will be presented by us on Facebook and Instagram for voting, so you should check there every now and then. The winning photo will be featured on Facebook and Instagram at the end of the month and then always posted here for you to download at the beginning of a new month.

Requirements: You are the creator of the image and own all rights to it. In addition, if possible, there should be no people in the picture (no portrait photos). The pictures must have a minimum size of 3,000 x 1,700 pixels (landscape format).

Good luck and have fun taking pictures!

Ich stimme zu, dass mein hochgeladenes Foto auf der Facebook- und Instagram-Seite sowie auf der Website von KIEL.SAILING.CITY präsentiert und der Öffentlichkeit zum Download bereitgestellt wird. Zudem willige ich einer eventuellen Verarbeitung meiner Bilder für einen Print-Kalender ein, über deren Produktion ich aber vorher informiert werden würde.

Unsere Datenschutzhinweise finden Sie hier.